Ian Thomas Malone

joe biden podcast Archive



October 2020



Vote Joe Biden & 2020 Senate Analysis

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Looking at you, unenthusiastic voters. Joe Biden is not a great candidate. This “decent” man has decades worth of indecent votes to his name, a shameful legacy that we shouldn’t have to revisit in 2020. Alas, here we are.

Trump is infinitely worse. It’s not even close. LGBTQ rights, reproductive rights, healthcare, and the very future of our nation is at stake. Voting doesn’t need to be fun, but you need to vote. Trump may never end if we don’t put a stop to this American Carnage. 

Ian also dives into the state of the 2020 Senate race and why it’s way closer than the mainstream media thinks. Please, please, please vote. We can’t pack the courts without senators who will do the packing. 

Fuck Trump. Vote Biden.