18 responses

  1. The Colonel
    April 26, 2014

    Great new website, Noble Mon! Congratulations.


  2. Tom Malone
    April 26, 2014

    Great site, Ian! Congrats on your book deal! Dad


  3. Paula Street
    April 27, 2014

    Nice website! Can’t wait to buy your book .


  4. Jonathan Malamed
    April 28, 2014

    Wishing you the best. I am excited for you. Great Website!
    Keep it up!


  5. EricaM
    May 16, 2014

    Just saw this! LOVE! good for you.. keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing you when I get home 🙂

    xx Erica


  6. Jan Kardys
    May 12, 2015

    Ian, You created a very clean, concise and interesting website. I look forward to reading your material for consideration as your possible literary agent.
    Best wishes, Jan Kardys JanKardys.com, unicornforwriters.com, and unicornwritersconference.com


  7. George O’Har
    October 19, 2015

    Congratulations on all the book activity. Can you contact me @ BC? ohar at bc dot edu. I can’t find your email address.


  8. Cheetobum
    September 12, 2019

    It seems that this guy is out of touch with reality, how far off can you be when reviewing Sticks and Stones? The self anointed scored it 27%, the viewing audience scored it 99%, I’m guessing someone is believing their own hype while mistaking it for relevancy to anyone


    • Sarah Read
      November 28, 2022

      This is a woman..


  9. Todd Strandberg
    September 30, 2019

    Ian Thomas Malone should be banned from doing any type of review.


    • Zero
      October 12, 2021

      Still stands. After reading this nut’s review of the David Chapelle special.


  10. Red
    August 2, 2021

    I wanna see ITM’s boobs!


  11. John Scipio
    October 6, 2021

    This is the dossier of a professional activist, not a critic.


  12. Tylo
    October 14, 2021

    You go girl! Love how intelligent and real you are, keep Killin it! YOU ROCK!!!


  13. Tony
    November 28, 2023

    ITM is a clear example of why we need to
    prevent censorship. Only by allowing folks to freely express their asinine ideas.
    Nearly, ten years have passed and nobody can relate to the bizarre perspective on reality.
    Weird, antisocial, commie bollocks.


  14. Nasen Bluten
    January 4, 2024

    So…you suck as a comedian and were a failure in your first life. So you make a secondlife to bash and trash successful comedians and people while still being a toxic leech on world. You use your mental illness to spread your unhappiness that’s deep within you on others and try to bring the rest of the world down to your pathetic level. You’re just gross. Male or female, gross of a human being…and I’m using that term loosely to describe whatever it is you are.


  15. Marlin
    January 5, 2024

    Comedian?!? GTFO


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