Ian Thomas Malone

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December 2021



Rudolph‘s Shiny New Year

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Holiday coverage continues! Join Ian as she unpacks the trainwreck known as Rudolph’s Shiny New Year, where everyone’s favorite bullied reindeer is tasked with saving time itself. From the Archipelago of Last Years to Eon the Terrible, nothing here makes any sense. The people in power continue to pick on young children, presenting the sensible question of whether time should be saved.

Be sure to check out our episode from last year covering the original Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer special: https://ianthomasmalone.podbean.com/e/rudolph-a-transgender-perspective/



December 2021



Succession is a one-trick pony with diminishing returns

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Succession is, in theory at least, a fairly easy show to describe. The Roys, namely Kendall (Jeremy Strong), Shiv (Sarah Snook), and Roman (Kieran Culkin), vie for their father’s attention, hoping to inherit an unwieldy corporation leviathan that’s ill-served by a steady injection of nepotism. Armed with a steady stream of one-liners, what can sound like corporate Game of Thrones often feels more like an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, loosely connected vignettes in purpose to a broader arc.

Season three positioned itself to tackle the ramifications of Kendall going rogue, prompting Justice Department investigations too broad for Logan (Brian Cox) to squash. Tom (Matthew McFayden) spent several episodes accepting his inevitable indictment, reading about prisons like he was planning a family vacation. Cousin Greg (Nicholas Braun) found himself in the middle of a game of tug-of-war between Kendall and the broader Roy family, becoming disinherited in the process.

Succession understands the power of dramatic tension, often deploying orchestral scorings of its theme song to heighten its more powerful moments. Scenes like when the FBI raided Waystar Royco made for great TV, not only in their initial execution but through the anticipation of what might happen next week. In a world where many TV shows see their entire seasons released in one day, Succession seemed to understand the value of the slow burn.

Season three cares only for its mic drop moments. Succession has no grasp of narrative pacing, a show that gives its audience little to invest in beyond amusing one-liners with diminishing returns. A sad waste of talent. The build-up doesn’t have any follow-through.

The first few episodes expose a few of the cracks. Confined almost exclusively to indoor closed sets, a likely product of the pandemic, the Roy family was left to bicker amongst themselves without the beauty that comes from their perpetual globetrotting. Instead, the audience is left with some atrocious writing that gave corporate power struggles the feel of a high school drama.

To some extent, the pettiness is part of the show’s charm. There’s a certain degree of satisfaction to be had in watching Shiv flounder in her executive position, all the empty calories of girlboss feminism. Succession doesn’t really need likable characters, but season three hasn’t given the cast enough to work with to fill the void.

There’s a bizarre amount of disconnect between each episode, introducing and abandoning new storylines, seemingly at whim. Of course, the only narrative that really matters, in the end, lies with Logan and his children. Succession knows its best magic comes from Logan sparring with his kids, revealing what an unbelievably bad father he was at every turn. You don’t need to feel an ounce of sympathy for the Roy kids to see the beauty in these heartbreaking scenes, puppies chasing a car they’ll never catch.

Succession is capable of crafting individual compelling episodes of television, but season three exposed some of the series’ broader structural flaws. There is little more to the whole production than a bunch of unsympathetic blowhards perpetually trying to stab each other in the back. The vignette approach to episodic storytelling occasionally works, but it’s hard to feel impressed by a show that spent its first episodes hyping up an existential threat that it instead decided to abandon with the flick of a finger.

Succession has no stakes. It’s hard to build tension when you know the show will do everything in its power to preserve the status quo. The audience may understand why it can’t deliver on “succession” until closer to a finale, but the show doesn’t seem to care much about progression either.

The result is a glorified sitcom. Succession gives the audience plenty to smile or cringe at, whether it’s through Greg’s antics or the sad existence that is Connor Roy (Alan Ruck). It’s all too lazy to be great TV. Such a cutting examination of corporate power should be able to conduct its narrative like it wasn’t just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. It’s hard to get behind a show that’s so content in its mediocrity.



December 2021



A Muppet Christmas: Letters to Santa

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Our holiday coverage continues! Ian & Tara talk about the 2008 TV special, A Muppet Christmas: Letters to Santa, currently available on Disney+. With strong writing, music from The Muppet Christmas Carol lyricist Paul Williams, and fun celebrity cameos from Uma Thurman, Jesse L. Martin, Whoopi Goldberg, and Nathan Lane, Letters to Santa is a very entertaining way to get into the Christmas spirit. 

Be sure to check out all of our holiday-themed episodes! If you’ve enjoyed EI this year, please consider leaving us a review.



December 2021



The Muppet Christmas Carol

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When a cold wind blows it chills you, chills you to the bone! Ian is joined by her sister Barbara “Bibble” Malone for an episode dedicated to the definitive holiday classic. Born out of tragedy after the losses of Jim Henson & Richard Hunt, the Muppet troupe banded together to produce one of their finest works. From Michael Caine’s iconic performance to Paul Williams’ chilling music, The Muppet Christmas Carol is perfect on just about every level, as long as you’re watching a cut that contains “The Love is Gone.”

Ian’s review of the film: https://ianthomasmalone.com/2019/12/the-muppet-christmas-carol-is-the-definitive-christmas-classic/




December 2021



Christmas at the Ranch brings an inclusive touch to the holiday genre

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The Christmas movie genre often functions like a machine running on autopilot, churning out hundreds of films, many of which are completely indistinguishable from each other. Big city girl returns home to her rural life, rediscovering the meaning of life through the magic of Christmas.

LGBTQ audiences have been woefully abandoned by the Christmas movie industrial complex, a bastion of heteronormativity. The holiday season can be an anxious time of the year for our community, with many families still refusing to accept the existence of homosexuality. With a gay girl as its lead, the new film Christmas at the Ranch demonstrates how easy it is to factor in inclusive storytelling to the genre.

The film follows Haley (Laur Allen), a workaholic trying to close a major deal for her company and meet a special woman she can connect with amidst the madness that is modern dating. She returns home to her family’s ranch in time for the holiday season. Meemaw (Lindsay Wagner), who raised Haley and her brother Charles (Archie Kao) after the death of their parents, is barely holding things together, exacerbated by medical expenses and other financial hardships. Haley butts heads with ranch hand Kate (Amanda Righetti), skeptical of the prodigal granddaughter’s abilities to turn the tide of capitalism.

Director Christin Baker did a great job capturing the traditional Christmas movie spirit alongside an inclusive narrative. The film avoids all common LGBTQ tropes that place too much emphasis on coming out or winning over a homophobic relative, instead of embodying all the Christmas genre tropes that people know and love. The narrative is quite predictable in its delivery, but that’s also kind of the point. LGBTQ people deserve to be part of the fun.

The principal cast all have great chemistry with each other. Allen, Wagner, and Kao are a sweet family unit, giving their home a lived-in feel that’s vital for the genre. Allen and Righetti are very sweet together, the kind of wholesome romance that many LGBTQ people dream of having for themselves. The narrative never goes over the top with its drama, instead of operating at a mellow tempo that’s just right for a lazy December weekend.

The script is a little clunky at times, but the actors never let things drag. Christmas at the Ranch doesn’t ever try to reinvent the genre, but there’s an understated radical normalcy in its execution. LGBTQ audiences don’t have enough cozy wholesome content. The film hits all the right notes, a much-needed addition to an overly heteronormative genre.



December 2021



Archie Kao – Christmas at the Ranch

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We are delighted to kick off our holiday coverage with Archie Kao, star of the new film Christmas at the Ranch from Tello Films. Archie is also known to international audiences for his roles on shows such as Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and Chicago P.D.

Archie & Ian talk about Christmas at the Ranch’s thoroughly inclusive LGBTQ narrative, Archie’s experiences making the film, and an extended conversation on Lost Galaxy bound to delight fans of our Power Rangers coverage. Christmas at the Ranch is a great addition to the holiday genre, perfect for a cozy weekend afternoon. 



You can learn more about Christmas at the Ranch here: https://www.tellofilms.com/products/christmas-at-the-ranch

Ian’s review of the film: https://ianthomasmalone.com/2021/12/christmas-at-the-ranch-brings-an-inclusive-touch-to-the-holiday-genre/

Christmas at the Ranch still/poster courtesy of Christin Baker/Tello Films.

Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy still courtesy of Saban Films.




November 2021



Classic Film: Where the Sidewalk Ends

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With all the world’s attention on police corruption, 1950’s Where the Sidewalk Ends presents an intriguing historical perspective on the issue. Dirty cops are older than recorded time itself. As attempts at criminal justice reform stall in Congress, director Otto Preminger’s work helps explain why this particular issue remains so challenging to resolve.

Mark Dixon (Dana Andrews) is a cop who’s been recently demoted due to his frequent use of violence. Dixon’s father was a criminal, leaving him perpetually feeling caught between two worlds. An illicit craps game leads to the death of a rich Texas gambler. Dixon’s efforts to solve the murder lead him to a confrontation with Ken Paine (Craig Stevens), implicated in the killing by gangster Tommy Scalise (Gary Merrill). Dixon accidentally kills Paine, leaving a complex web for the narrative to unwind.

For all the ways that Dixon is a detestable character, Andrews sells him quite well. Dixon’s scenes with Morgan Taylor (Gene Andrews), Paine’s estranged wife, reveal a softer layer underneath his abusive behavior. Ben Hecht’s script and Cyril Mockridge’s jazz-infused score work in tandem to support the overall excellent performances from the principal cast. The whodunit doesn’t pack a wallop, but Preminger never lets his narrative drag across the 95-minute runtime.

The film’s crowning achievement is the way the narrative slowly condemns the bastardization of the rule of law. Andrews almost does too good a job allowing Dixon to embody the role of the protagonist, a character whose motives are easy to understand. Dixon is too flawed a man to be entrusted with the levers of justice, but the system is ripe with cops cut from the exact same cloth. You can’t have justice when the people in power bend the rules to serve their own sense of right and wrong.

Preminger’s slick noir gem presents a damning indictment of the criminal justice system’s perpetual rot and the kinds of cops who take the law into their own hands. There are no heroes in Where the Sidewalk Ends, but the film is chock full of compelling characters. Few films come across as so endearing in the absence of any specific person to root for, but Andrews and Tierney make the most of their top billing.

You don’t leave the feature with a great sense that the system will improve, but rather an understanding of how things have gotten this bad. While many seventy-year-old crime dramas possess dated narratives that would come across as unrealistic in the modern era, Where the Sidewalk Ends still remains as timely as ever. Dixon is not fit to be a police officer, something his squad knew all too well. As long as people like him remain in power, things will never change.



November 2021



Tiger King turns itself into the joke with a laughably bad second season

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Necessity is not necessarily a relevant consideration when it comes to entertainment. Tiger King practically took over the world at the start of the pandemic, making a follow-up a foregone conclusion, even if lightning was never going to strike twice. History shows us that the saga of Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin will continue to be recycled long after either has faded from the public consciousness.

Even if we accept that season two was never going to come close to the first, it is pretty astonishing to see what little dregs remain of the thoroughly tapped-out Joe Exotic keg. If the first Tiger King was the story of the Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park and its web of characters, this return trip is mostly centered on the show itself. Shows like Dancing With the Stars often try to extend celebrities’ fifteen minutes of fame. Tiger King adds on an additional unwanted layer, extending its life by covering DWTS’ coverage of its own show, a parasitic relationship forced to become a symbiotic partnership.

There is some novelty value in watching clout-seekers attach themselves to Joe Exotic for the chance to become part of the circus, but five episodes are too tall an order. The vast majority of season two could have been captured in a single follow-up special, extending the show’s life without necessarily running too long on empty. What could’ve been an epilogue instead morphed into a weird defense of itself and the way it presented its subjects.

While key figures such as Exotic and Jeff Lowe filmed additional interviews for season two, key figure Carole Baskin refused, even going as far as suing Netflix to prevent its release. Baskin does appear heavily via news interviews and archival footage, but the show doesn’t really know how to handle her absence. Early episodes hint at sexism in the way that Exotic, a convicted felon, was lionized while Baskin, an animal rights activist, was reviled.

The trouble is that Tiger King wants to acknowledge its own narrative double standards without accepting any responsibility for the way it presented Baskin as the obvious likely suspect for the disappearance of her second husband Don Lewis. The second episode of the season attempts to present a balanced view of Lewis’ shady dealings in Costa Rica, but can’t help returning to the idea that Baskin probably did it. Extended footage of Lewis’ family consulting a psychic to find his body comes across as laughably foolish. No one watching should blame Baskin for wanting no part of season two’s attempts to scrape the barrel for content.

In some ways, it’s hard to fault the show for not wanting to explicitly take a side on Don Lewis’ disappearance. Tiger King is not a court of law, but it’s also not serious investigative journalism either, not when psychics and other grifters take up so much airtime. Joe Exotic got a better shake because he’s the carnival barker desperate for attention while Baskin is less willing to bluntly perform for the cameras.

An even bigger omission than Baskin for much of season two are the animals caught up in the ugly big cat orbit. The show rather self-consciously tries to tie them into the equation at one point, alongside its weirdly sympathetic presentation of Exotic. The idea that people like Lowe and hired hitman Allen Glover have recanted much of their initial testimony isn’t irrelevant, but it’s not a meaty enough narrative to carry the whole season. Increasingly, the efforts to present Joe as a victim feels like an excuse to justify the show’s continued narrative, crocodile tears toward a decidedly bad person.

Reducing Tiger King to a fad does a great disservice to the narrative atrocity that is season two. There is more to this story, somewhere. Just not in these five episodes. The magic that existed in March 2020 might be impossible to replicate, but there’s little excuse for the train wreck Netflix refers to as a follow-up.



November 2021



South Park: Post COVID is an imperfect step in the right direction

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There’s a certain irony in the accusations of declining quality that have been levied against The Simpsons right around season twelve, which aired more than twenty years ago, as fellow stalwarts of the adult animation genre such as Family Guy, American Dad!, and Bob’s Burgers have all hit that number. Old age is no longer an outlier. With 23 seasons under its belt, South Park has managed to stay culturally relevant in a way that sets it apart from its contemporaries, largely due to the show’s narrative emphasis on current events.

It’s been over two years since South Park released a full season’s worth of material. South Park: Post COVID is the first of 14 planned hour-long features for Paramount+, following the two pandemic-themed specials produced for Comedy Central in 2020 & 2021. One can certainly understand Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s reluctance to try and return to normalcy in a world that is anything but normal. Both Comedy Central specials demonstrated the challenges of operating under the cloud of COVID, neither producing enough humor to carry their elongated runtimes.

Post COVID is set forty years in the future, a world that finally managed to conquer the virus. The time jump provided a much-needed breath of fresh air, giving a glimpse of an America fully reliant on plant-based foods, advanced AI, and far too many streaming services. For a show that’s been desperate to get away from the news of the day, centering its narrative on the murder of the now-adult Kenny McCormick offered the show a chance to ground itself in one of its oldest gags.

While Parker & Stone rarely speak fondly of the increasingly serialized seasons, Post COVID demonstrates some of the sharper takeaways from that era. South Park plays the long game well, possessing a deep bench of endearing characters constructed over the past few decades. The chance to see them all grown up after all this time in fourth grade hit the right balance of touching, sad, and amusing, an accurate reflection of the challenges of crafting comedy against reality’s hellish backdrop.

The hour-long runtime also gave the show a chance to stretch its narrative legs without needing to deliver as many jokes. The characters mostly steer clear of spending the episodes on nostalgia, avoiding their own “member-berries,” while laying down the groundwork for over a dozen subsequent Paramount+ specials. It’s not the South Park we’re used to, but it’s admirable to see Parker & Stone shoot for a higher sense of purpose than mere reactionary comedy. The show’s pacing was quite strong, building up a new status quo that’s quite easy to get behind.

Post COVID’s biggest problem lies with its inability to move on from repetitive humor. The characters frequently openly remark that they’re in the future, a gag that quickly grows old. Another overused bit centers on Jimmy’s comedy career, ostensibly designed to poke fun at overly-PC comedy that starts to serve instead as a sign of the writers’ inability to craft new material. The character-based jokes fair far better.

Parker & Stone have often expressed a desire to move away from the show’s heavy emphasis on ripped-from-the-headlines storytelling toward the broader silliness that encapsulated its early years. Recent seasons haven’t shown much desire to follow through on those intentions, as the past few seasons retained a strong preference for reactionary-based narratives. Perhaps the show doesn’t really want to acknowledge that its contemporary relevance is almost completely owed to its inane ability to respond to modern culture in seemingly real-time. Even if it would rather not, South Park is far-better suited to speak on the state of the world than The Simpsons or Family Guy.

Though far from perfect, Post COVID is a decent start to the Paramount+ era and the strongest effort from the show in a few years. The pandemic isn’t going away any time soon, but South Park demonstrated that the awful state of the world can coexist alongside its broader narrative intentions. It’s not necessarily the show that we all wanted, but there’s still life in that quiet mountain town.




November 2021



Classic Film: Point Blank

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There’s an inherent beauty in the way that film offers such an enclosed, finite glimpse into its subject’s lives. Sequels aside, audiences aren’t invited to the happily-ever-after. In most cases, the three-act structure is all you get.

John Boorman’s iconic 1967 thriller Point Blank deploys a non-linear structure, showcasing its lead’s death in the opening scene. Walker (Lee Marvin) is betrayed pulling a heist on Alcatraz Island by his partner Reese (John Vernon) and wife Lynne (Sharon Acker), left to bleed out in the prison only four years removed from its active operations. The narrative is anchored by Walker’s pursuit of his share of the job, putting him at odds with Reese’s shadier associates.

On the surface, the film largely plays out like a revenge thriller, but vengeance isn’t the primary focus for either Boorman or Marvin. Instead, their focus lies pretty solely with the deconstruction of Walker’s psyche. Walker moves with determination back and forth between San Francisco and Los Angeles, but the layers quickly unravel behind the broken man.

Marvin, who played a key role in adapting the film from the Richard Stark’s 1962 novel The Hunter, delivers a deceptively subtle performance, keeping his cards close to his chest. For a man with one of Hollywood’s most distinct voices, Walker doesn’t speak all that often. Instead, Boorman utilizes Johnny Mandel’s chilling score to supply much of the perpetually heightened dramatic tension.

What’s particularly remarkable about Boorman’s work is the way that he essentially introduces a fourth act into the equation that lingers in the audience’s mind long after the credits roll. The non-linear structure doesn’t just toss the traditional notion of narrative out the window, it practically laughs at the idea that one would want to put the pieces of the puzzle back together. Beyond that, Point Blank stresses the unimportance of doing so.

One could spend hours deliberating over whether Walker truly died in the opening act, but film isn’t really about those kinds of answers. A conventional thriller within the genre might care more about definitive conclusions, satisfied with its role as mere entertainment. Such is the realm where Point Blank separates itself from its peers.

Walker wanted his work to mean something. Boorman and Marvin operated with the very same intentions, a thoroughly tantalizing production. Featuring stunning cinematography that highlights an anxious 60s LA, Point Blank is the kind of film that’s hard to get out of your head. Walker isn’t particularly likable, but his frantic grasps at purpose are far more meaningful than your typical revenge fare. A definitive entry in the genre.