Sticks & Stones Isn’t Very Funny
Written by Ian Thomas Malone, Posted in Blog, Pop Culture, TV Reviews
Five Netflix specials into his career resurgence, Dave Chappelle has a lot of problems with the way his jokes are being received in the #MeToo era. In the old days, comedians could punch down and tell tired jokes about the LGBTQ community, “alphabet people,” and nobody cared. Similarly, if you were a successful older man, there was a time when you could get away with making a younger woman watch you pleasure yourself.
Hearing Chappelle lament the dawning of the #MeToo era, you might get the impression that life is pretty hard for him. Sticks & Stones is largely centered around the reasons why he feels this way. Trouble is, the whole foundation of his routine is centered around faulty logic.
Chappelle is upset that people can’t make gay jokes anymore, seeming to forget that he can in fact, make those jokes. Sticks & Stones is full of humor directed at the LGBTQ community. He’s afraid of being “cancelled” while ignoring the fact that he’s currently being paid tens of millions of dollars to perform for one of the biggest outlets in show business. Paranoia aside, Dave Chappelle is far from canceled.
There is a fair amount of revisionist history about gay jokes present in Chappelle’s routine. He’s still upset about a time when Comedy Central objected to the use of a well-known anti-gay slur, wondering why he as a straight man wasn’t allowed to use it on television. Chappelle goes on to suggest that you can’t offend the “alphabet people” at all, putting aside the decades where it was considered taboo on television to portray an LGBTQ individual in a positive light. It’s kind of odd to see a comedian who’s been around as long as Chappelle try and act like gay jokes weren’t mainstream for a very long time.
Chappelle does seem to understand that there’s a reason why the transgender community isn’t collectively a huge fan of his. He’s also right that there is a fair degree in humor in the basic plight of the transgender identity. As a transgender woman, I laugh about the various ironies of transition all the time.
There are plenty of funny jokes to be told about the transgender community. Dave Chappelle just isn’t very good at that kind of humor. It’s not particularly original to compare transgender people to figures like Rachel Dolezal. The joke is certainly not all that funny in the year 2019.
Chappelle is hardly alone as a cisgender man in not really understanding the transgender identity. He takes that a step further in deciding that things he can’t understand must not be real, or the same as a person wanting to go around shouting racist Asian stereotypes. The theme of Sticks & Stones seems to be that Dave Chappelle doesn’t care about things that don’t directly affect him.
Lacking empathy can certainly be amusing, but Sticks & Stones is a tired routine by a man who forgot to layer jokes into his act, too often sounding like a pundit on Fox News. Chappelle used to be a master at making people laugh at inherently uncomfortable topics. He’s still willing to wade into controversial territory like pedophilia, but his bits just aren’t that funny. Chappelle allows the very notion that he shouldn’t be saying things to serve as the humor instead of actual jokes.
There are bits and pieces that prove Chappelle is still capable of understanding nuance. He uses a fairly amusing allegory about LGBTQ people riding in a car to describe the differences among the various groups within our community. Listening to him describe the ways that gay white men live have better opportunities transgender people sends a very different message than the special’s broader out of touch opinions of this changing world.
Dave Chappelle hasn’t lost anything because women now feel more comfortable speaking out against sexual harassment. Gay jokes aren’t as mainstream as they used to be, but Chappelle isn’t going to have his career ruined because he still thinks certain slurs are funny to say out loud. Dave Chappelle is doing fine.
The only potential hindrance to Dave Chappelle’s career is the fact that his edgy humor isn’t as funny as it used to be. The jokes in Sticks & Stones lack the complexity of his earlier work, sounding less contrarian than simply out of touch. Dave Chappelle shouldn’t worry about being “cancelled.” The far bigger threat to his career is the fact that he’s becoming quite a bore.
Dave Chapelle isn’t funny because a blogger said so. LMAO!
The larger issues and disagreements are completely glossed over here. Dave is suppsedly “punching down” — great job giving heterosexual males all the agency in life, and little ol’ girly you are “forced” to do everything by the evil, incredibly powerful straight men.
Notice my sarcasm? A huge disagreement that Dave has with the LGBTQ community is that he gives you MORE agency than you give yourselves. Same with the feminists and the #metoo movement.
He’s been pushing this since forever — making fun of people’s tendency to pursue victimhood and overstate their lack of agency. THAT’s what’s hilarious.
His comments about Michael Jackson and #metoo and abortion are just extensions of his “how old is 15 anyway?” bit from 15 years ago. You NEED TO DECIDE whether you are really an amazing, independent, strong woman, or a wilting, helpless daisy that needs big strong men to protect you.
Except you don’t decide. You never decide. Instead, heterosexual males are pathetic, dumb, toxic “entitled” people and women are amazing, strong, perfect, powerful. “The future is female” etc. UNTIL some hairy rich guy says “hey, want a job? I’ll give one to you if you rub oil on my balls.”
Suddenly you’re a wilting violet and he’s the most powerful person in the world. You feel “forced” to rub his balls. He’s raping you! It’s awful.
Where’s all that strength then? How can the future be female if you can’t decide whether you want to rub a guy’s balls or not?
Dave illustrates the double standard so well with his “if you’re old enough to be tried as an adult for murder, you’re old enough to decide if you want to get pissed on” routine about 15 year old boys vs girls. It was brilliant — and NOTHING has changed in the decade and a half since, except the double standard is worse.
Heterosexual males are still awful people “forcing” women to do stuff, and women can’t decide what they want, and shouldn’t have to. They are weak and need help (but the sexes are totally equal) Every time a wealthy man says “hey, I want sex” modern women melt into the floor – “he’s raping me by asking! How can I say no!”
Very, very well said.
Excellent post. Very well said.
That was absolutely brilliant. Well said.
But I bet you enjoy when SNL or Samantha Bee makes fun of trumps son? I bet you applaud when people want to take down historical status like Robert E Lee’s statue …even though Robert didn’t own slaves. I bet you love it when Christians are being portrayed as over zealous in a Steven King movie. You probably boycott chick fil a because they give to focus on the family while a LOT of democratic leaders give to the Catholic Church. Catholics have gay therapy too. And you probably applaud people for taking their 5yr olds to a gay pride parade and see men prance around in codpieces and G-strings…because that’s progressive?♀️ (Btw) I do agree with treating gays and trans with respect) Do you get angry when you hear a transgender was beat for lying to another man about their original gender? That’s like sneaking pork to a Jewish rabbi Dipping bullets into pig blood before you shoot a Muslim. Hamburger meat to a Hindu. It’s against some people’s religion. I’m sure you feel that my tax dollars should pay for these late term abortions when it’s against my religion. Sit down hypocrites!!! 99% gives me hope 2020 will be a year of miracles. you get so angry sometimes that you cry?
Public service announcement: You may be getting off topic, you may have lowered yourself to the reliable old standby ad hominem, and you may have fallen into the notion that the entirety of humanity that disagrees with you politically is a straw man into which you can project leftist villain fantasy whether it’s in the context of the discussion or not.
I give you props for allowing comments on your review. Your cowardly fellow “critics” won’t even allow that.
This was needed comedic relief in a time when everyone in the left is calling anyone who disagrees racist bigots. You fall into this category by calling this “Fox News”. #learntocode
Plenty of the boogeyman ‘left’ weren’t offended by it and agree with you. Saying that just makes you part of the joke. It’s always fun living in the center. You get to form your own opinions, have some pride in yourself, and actually have the ability to admit when you’re wrong or could be better.
Who are these people you speak of? It had a zero percent on RT for a while. And now sits at a 30% literally because people are offended. I see less and less of these rational lefties you speak, as now they’re considered modern conservative, because Liberals can’t distinguish themselves from leftists. Or dont want to.
Uhh….8 people are offended. 8 people who refer to themselves as “critics” – the type of people that Chapelle is making most of his jokes about. On the other hand, around 23,100 people loved it, which is why the audience number currently sits at 99%. the guy is saying what 99% of people are thinking.
Lol are you sure about that? You think those people represent the modern left? The same ones that think gender is something someone can choose at will? Doubtful
sure? whats there to be sure of ?? ppl lie numbers don’t
Are you sure those people represent the modern left?
8 people calling themselves “critics” said it was a bad show. 23,000 people watching the show said it was good, at around 99% approval rating. Twenty Three Thousand…..Eight. You can work this out. The vast majority of people love the show, and a very tiny percentage dont. I’m just giving you the numbers. Make of it whatever the fuck you will.
So did you read my comment before you decided to just repeat yourself? I just said do you think those people represent the modern left? Reading comprehension
Why does it need to be a right or left thing? Can we just ditch the labels? It’s what causes most of this divide in the first place.
Why don’t you ask the OP?
They certainly have power far beyond their numbers. They may not be representative of everyone on the left, but if you watch the Democrat debates, everyone makes sure to bend their knee to this ideology popular on Twitter. Do I think the average person left of center goes in for this? No, but that person watches as the media elites, twitter and Democrat nominees for President all fall all over themselves to be for everything this woke part of the left wants.
This is why IMO Trump will win relatively easily in 2020 despite not being an overly successful president. That’s from someone who didn’t vote for him last time and has no plans to vote for him this time, but can’t bring himself to vote for the people willing to take all our tax dollars to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants instead of dealing with issues of the citizens paying those taxes.
80% positive. Wake up.
Try reading the rest of my comment, then you can wake up 🙂
Just to let you know I am on your side but there was one article on the Salon website that also allowed comments.Just so you know.
When you’re so out of touch with the people do you blame the people or
do you finally realize your nothing but a shill for the companies that
back you, I wonder?
This comedy act was what we needed. He said a lot of stuff that most Americans want to say, but we cant because of this politically correct climate. Making fun of someone is not the same as hating someone. Must people dont know the distinction. I laughed my ass off through the whole show. Dave is a legend.
I’m relieved too. I thought all was going wrong in the world. I have hope. People need to remember this when we vote 2020.
Turn off the news.
Think for yourself.
Remember they have an agenda.
Communism doesn’t belong in America
Every American should be treated with respect but we should not let the media exploit Equality to take away our freedoms.
*Half a million Black young adults & minors are dying from drug overdoses and street violence
* ⭐️ Beto (President candidate) actually said it’s a woman’s right to abort a 9mth pregnancy if a woman so chooses to do so. That’s MURDER! YouTube it. There was no mention of the mother’s health.⭐️
* Poor Children in the Appalachian Mountains are going to bed hungry.
*Homeless people need medical care and therapy but liberals are worried about every other country.
*Children are dying from foster care abuse.
*Drinking and driving is killing 1000’s a year and nobody is banning alcohol.
*Alcohol is adding aggression to abusive parents and spouses…but you don’t hear liberal media calling to ban their favorite wine…or their favorite antidepressant
The only thing liberal media cares about is disarming law abiding Americans because some bullied sensitive kid flips out and the result …less than 13 kids (on average) died from a school shootings in a yr. While millions are dying from worse things.
When the real issue is kids need to be watched closely for bullying. The only reason these white kids are snapping is because they are bullied and their white parents tell them to “Walk away…be the better man”. Too afraid to take a butt kicking. Too afraid to deal with the bully right then and there. When I was bullied at school my mother told me I had better not step one foot off that bus that very next day… She wanted the principal to call her telling her I had been suspended from school for beating the one that was torturing me, or I’d have to deal with momma (BTW.. I’m a girl) My bullied days was over after I attacked the main girl. Because I didn’t want to deal with momma. My mother should have been black. Black folk don’t put up with that.
But instead these bullied kids go to their room getting their aggression out in a violent video game. A game that effects them differently than the average kid. Bullying affects their maturity and causes them to lash out to their family and that leads to antidepressants. You better believe school shootings would dwindle If we made these kids parents serve a life sentence.
Over 50million Americans live by this quote “You will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands”
So good luck taking them?. Most military men and law officers will not collect them.
Sorry I wrote a book but it had to be said.. it had to be said…
What the hell, psycho. I don’t like PC culture/grifting any more than you do, but you seem to think voting for criminals and supporting grifters is going to help society in any way. You know what’s as dumb and scummy and culty as a Democrat? A Republican.
From your lips to god’s ears. Trump2020.
Psycho?… Says the person who is okay with murdering infants. Voting For Criminals? …that was the Democrats smiling as they sign the late term abortion law. It’s murder!!! The real dumb politician was the president that thought it was a good idea to give Iran nuclear weapons. The country that has leaders campaigning on the promise to destroy Israel and bring down the US. I have family working in the pentagon and my brother has a government Q clearance that most politicians do not obtain. Im well educated on Iran. You come back with insults because I don’t think you know how to articulate why you believe what you believe. You are weak, lazy, and triggered. You are the type of person that hates Trump more than love your country… and your own family’s safety. Grow up! All politicians hands are dirty. You’re voting on the lesser of 2 evils. I have successfully business, an amazing marriage, and my kids are happy and successful as well. These facts validate that I must be doing something right. But the real proof in me being right about democrats is that ALL the trashiest, nastiest, ran down cities in America is ran by no other…democrats. My point has been made
give this person a MAGA hat
I like how the ‘maga’ morons and lowlifes are trying to use the war against PC culture for their cult’s gain, like they’re any better than the lowlife versions of the left. Instead of attacking PC culture for what it is, they have to interject their ignorant left vs right politics into it.
But PC culture is driving the left nowadays. Do I agree with the right on everything? No, but I can understand why allowing biological men who claim to be women shower with little girls is not something that should be encouraged. One side is not insane on that issue, the other side (whether they agree or not) allows the most extreme people to speak for them and call anyone who disagrees with them bigoted or phobic. It’s not just that though. It’s all aspects of identity politics.
There is a small alt-right identity politics group that is rejected by all the mainstream right politicians. If mainstream left politicians rejected the identity politics (not just the occasional ones like Bill Maher and Tulsi Gabbard) then you’d have a point there.
I’m left with a choice in the next election between the corrupt and stupid part, or the corrupt, stupid and crazy party.
We have been living the Giant Douche/Turd Sandwich episode of South Park for a couple elections now.
It’d also be interesting which actual crimes you attribute to Trump, or if you just believe a lot of the stuff that’s been proven to be lies/made up accusations. Trump is boorish, rude, and basically a dick, but on the other hand, most of what you see in the media is lies about him, so where does that leave us?
Exactly, he said a lot of stuff that a lot of people are already thinking, aka, boring, predictable material. Lazy shit you here all the time if you pay attention to comedy at all. If you’re watching the special it to agree with someone and blow yourself for having the same opinions, yeah, a great special. If you’re looking at the material objectively, it was just unoriginal.
Thank fucking Christ someone said it. I’ve been reading comments about this special all day, and it seems like nobody seems to want to acknowledge that this was barely even a comedy special. It was more like a school assembly warning against PC culture where the speech happened to have been delivered by a comedian.
You know, dog. Softest generation BY FAR. This “critic” is a bitch.
Oh the irony of you talking about “faulty logic”…
I agree with this take, sorry you’re getting so many defensive bros in the comments. I love Dave Chappelle and there were some good jokes in here that made me laugh out loud. But my god, how many times are we going to have to hear these same old trans jokes? That is legit Piers Morgan level of observation. It feels a lot like the latest clips of Louis CK where he is more bitter and angry than actually concerned about crafting clever bits. There are a lot of problems with cancel culture and I would love to see a nuanced breakdown, but this ain’t it.
Name ONE trans joke Dave made that you heard before.
Yes, please. I’m looking forward to you pointing out one of those jokes that you’re just so tired of hearing…
Sorry that you are dead on the inside too. You agree with certified bullshit, so I’m not surprised lol. Must be a sad life
10 270 people disagree with you and voted it at 99% good. Get real.
They’re all “racists/bigots/homophobes/blahblahblah” of course.
I don’t inherently hate trans/gay people, but I do hate Marxists.
You suck at your job.
It says far more of you Ian that you deem telling jokes about alphabet people as “punching down.”
Everyone in life has their issues. No one is immune from criticism or mockery by comedians. Saying that joking about certain groups is punching down, is by definition saying that you see those people as less than. Who has it worse: A member of the LGBT group being born and raised in America, or a random poor kid born in the punjab of India? If you take a position way way up on a high horse, every joke can seem like punching down, but that means you are admitting to looking down your nose at certain groups of people. Isn’t it punching down to joke about murdering poor white heroin or meth addicts? To say that you can relate to how white people felt during the crack epidemic because “I don’t care either!’
That’s not only hilarious, but shows the double standard of treating black crack addicts in the 80s and 90s as criminals and then having the “epiphany” now that it’s affecting white people, that this is a disease epidemic. That’s scathing as well as hilarious and is not him safely laughing along with angry white people.
He brilliantly talks about women’s right to choose, but forces them to at least look at the logical inconsistency of being strong and having the “right to choose” while also demanding to take away the other half of a pregnancy’s right to choose. Men have no reproductive rights in terms of keeping a baby, but women have no problem additionally with men being forced to pay for the baby if they do decide to keep it. That’s logically inconsistent at best and hypocritical and knowingly so at worse. He shows he’s an ally to anyone who wants him, but offers advice on how people go about things because he sees how the excesses of these movements cause backlash. This isn’t victim blaming. It’s being able to see how people are going to react and warning someone ahead of time.
You sound extremely biased… IT WAS HILARIOUS! And a slap in the face to the PC morons…
I respectfully disagree, and thought it was the best standup performance I have seen in a long time. But, just because I found it to be hilarious, doesn’t mean other people should too. Relax people. It’s comedy.
I don’t think it is about not letting people like it or not like it. It is about the “Validated critics” and how bad they want to scold everyone like an overbearing nun. Obviously if these critics were good at their job their score would be closer to the audience score than a 66% gap… if you get 34% on a test that would be an epic fail.
Fox News? You heard Fox News in the comedy act?! Lol! I love that no one really pays attention to the title, “Sticks and Stones”. There was a time when we taught kids that “words could never hurt” us, to scolding them claiming that “words hurt”. Here we are, being hurt by words, lol!
Highlights from the comments section on inkoo binkoo’s slate article on the matter:
“There is not a hair’s breadth of distance between yourself and Evangelicals in the smug, self-satisfied, morally superior perch from which you pronounce your disappointment with the culture.”
“Your ideals begin and end on your own moral superiority.”
Yep… only difference being the ‘evagelicals’ are right.
I’d argue the only difference is that at least with evangelicals they will admit their views are faith based and not pretend that there views are based in facts/science. These people don’t so much site science when it comes to alphabet dogma as chew up science and spit it out in mangled form.
Lol you thought you were doing something with this tired ass article. Dave Chappelle is still funny and no one knows who you are, end of story
If this article is pointless and nobody knows who she is, then why would you bother leaving a comment?
He was doing it as a favor to her, so that she gets an objective view of what she wrote. It’s called a critique
Dave was hilarious as usual. Sticks & Stones has 99% audience approval on Rotten Tomatoes which indicates you have no idea what you’re talking about. Nice try though.
Ian is so wrong. I laughed my ass off. Ian is offended by the transgender jokes is my guess. As Dave said they hate his guts.
If Chapelle isn’t funny…. why are everyone in his audience laughing their asses off?
So the “T’s” DO hate him.
Well they are making this car ride take too damn long.
Dear Ian,
,,There are plenty of funny jokes to be told about the transgender community.“
Could you give us some examples of jokes about the transgender community, that we can make?
You know that won’t happen, because they aren’t as rich as Chappelle who has no fucks to give. If they tried, they would get canceled. But if you tell those jokes, you are punching down to the people who can cancel you and bring a twitter mob to your doorstep and harass you off Twitter completely (#Contrapoints)
Audience approval of 99% says otherwise. Lmao sounds like someone felt some type of way cause his jokes hit close to home. This is hilarious irony!! You’re a trans, spouting loudly on a blog across the internet – and just like Dave said, if you would just shut the fuck up, the alphabet people could get where they want to go. But nooooooo hahahaha do your best to be the loudest 1% you can be! This is comedy gold.
You have become irrelevant in an age where people can judge for themselves. We want to be insulted, we want controversy…. it’s called comedy.
I’m this day and age, the last thing we need is some mentally ill “woke” person to tell us which comedic is good and which comedy is bad.
According to rotten Tomatoes, Amy schemer makes better comedies than Dave Chappelle!!! Ah! Now that’s a joke
While I strongly disagree. Props to actually having the guts to allow comments on your article, that you probably knew wouldn’t be popular.
Wouldn’t give the writer too much credit for that. Probably wants to drive traffic here.
Look at me, plain old making assumptions everywhere without the need to assess without bias.
Of course the transvestite is offended by comedy
Essentially the writer is saying, Chappelle’s bits were funnier when the joke wasn’t personal to her. Yeah, that’s pretty much 90% of the audience for ya. If a comedian makes a living making fun of sensitive socia subjects, sooner or later he’s going to get to yours.
This article is a joke ?, almost as good as Chappelle
It only isn’t funny because you have to be offended. Using your metrics to determine progress, Chapelle is black, and you’re not. He wins, and your opinion means absolutely nothing.
An absolutely laughable review.
He was making the point that he could use the N word all day long but couldn’t use the gay slur because he was not one. You seem to have missed the point by a hundred miles, he was trying to get across that the standards and practices lady implied he could say the n word because he is a n word. But we know you only heard what you wanted to hear and have a bias towards him
This was a comedy routine. I laughed the whole time. It’s not meant to solve the worlds problems. Get over your holier than thou ideals and have a laugh.
This review by Malone is so, so, sooo off target. This was great comedy, and no, a reviewer who has forgotten what comedy is in his quest to find offense really should not be doing reviews of anything, not just comedy. It is now like a situation where everyone in an industry (in this case the media) has suffered some strangely specific brain-damage, and now believes its job is something completely different from what it was prior to the injury. Tell us if something is funny, Malone, without your woke evaluations.
What’s funny is 99% of REAL PEOPLE on Rotten Tomatoes actually like it. Get you head out your ass.
Salty ass Blogger. FOH. You mad
How dare you criticize a person of color. You sir are a racist. You are worse than hitler. You are worse than Satan sir! America is sick of your hate speech! Stop trying to stop voices of color!
“. . .Too often sounding like a pundit on Fox News.”
Come on now.
“. . .Used to be a master at making people laugh at inherently uncomfortable topics.”
So when he’s making jokes about the black and white communities, we can laugh all day.
Hey Ian Thomas Malone, Do you see how far you are away from the pulse of everyone??? I heard the laughs, I watched it twice it was so funny… 99% fresh baby! watched dozens of videos from people of all types of race, and sexual orientation, all loving it! Looks like we aren’t ready for you to destroy humor and free speech just yet.
Here’s the funniest thing: She says, …he is ‘sounding like a pundit on Fox News.’ Every time a Leftist can’t make sense of an argument, they say the exact same thing! And she’s saying it as if she were the first person who ever thought of it! I’m pretty certain there aren’t many Fox News pundits who would EVER say ANYTHING Dave said in this special. Face it, you’re not really a big thinker, nor do you have a sense of humor. You probably shouldn’t be reviewing comedy specials…..and I don’t agree with anything he said! But it was funny and thought provoking. Unlike this review. Well done.
Lacks empathy? Why would you expect empathy from stand up comedy?
That’s absurd, it’s comedy… jokes… we came for jokes.
Everything he said was part of a comedy routine. Jokes.
You need to find a sense of humor.
This is classic woke pouting. Should be book marked for a definition reference.
I did not enjoy this comedy hour from Chappelle. It felt boring and lazy. Also, his voice is extra gravelly from all those cigarettes. He was just being inflammatory and insensitive. For example, we have no idea what Anthony Bourdain was going through behind the television persona and to assume just because Bourdain “ate good food” means he wouldn’t kill himself. What was Chappelle’s point? Even Chappelle was negative about his own life saying it was “just okay, like an above ground pool” despite being a multimillionaire. According to his rules, he should be super happy. I don’t why people love him and act like he was doing something special.
It doesn’t work when jokes need to be explained “FrankNowell”. If humor is mysterious to you that’s ok.
Do you seriously not get humor at all? Obviously no one knows what Bourdain was going through, but it was a long set up talking about the difference between white and black people. This white guy who has a job most people can’t even dream of killed himself, whereas a black man who had the chance to escape the cycle of poverty common among blacks was dealt a really shitty hand, and it never occurred to him even after life beat him down to take his own life. It’s a commentary on the resiliency of blacks.
The fact that you don’t get Chappelle’s point about having an above ground pool is ironic and shows unbelievable ignorance. You just said we don’t know what was going through Bourdain’s mind or what was going on behind the scenes, then Chappelle says his life isn’t as great as you think it is, and you just make the blanket: “He’s a multimillionaire, so he should be super happy”
All of this is the point. He makes the joke about Bourdain juxtaposed with his black friend, then brings it full circle with his life. The underlying idea is that we really don’t know what other people are dealing with and who is strong enough to handle a brutal life and who isn’t strong enough to handle what superficially looks like an easy life.
If you don’t take a hyper-literal autistic view of what he’s saying you can read the implied empathy there.
The same is true about his white heroin addicts. He shocks by saying he understand how whites felt during the crack epidemic because “he doesn’t care either” but then he shows that he does actually care because now with the opioid epidemic whites are finally realizing this is an illness and not a criminal issue, which they conveniently didn’t learn when it was blacks being arrested for crack in the 80s and 90s. There is a lot of liberal social commentary going on there as well as acknowledging that we’ve learned the right lesson eventually, but clearly for the wrong and self-serving reasons as whites. When it’s your son hooked on opioid’s he’s “sick” and needs help. When it some black kid hooked on crack, he’s a hoodlum and a criminal. That’s pretty damning commentary for someone Ian describes as “sounding like a Fox News pundit” And it was equal parts hilarious and thought-provoking if you were willing to actually hear him out.
Didn’t read a word of your article, but based on your title you are salty as fuck, people LOVED the show. I get it you’re sensitive but like Dave Chappelle said “you clicked on his face” if you didn’t like it turn it off.
Someone call 911!! The blogger’s feelings are hurt!!!
People are SO butthurt…it’s almost as funny as Sticks & Stones! It’s snowflakes like you Ian that this comedy special is about.
It was one of his best shows!
I’m guessing you’re one of the ppl that yelled “Trump” when Dave did his second impression. This stand up was absolute gold! The epitome of what freedom of speech is and the whole reason why we shouldn’t silence people for their own thoughts and opinion. Stop trying to cancel everybody because their opinion is different from yours. We need to cancel the cancel culture. Let people have their own thoughts and opinion. I’m so sick of this PC bullshit. Only liberals will make you feel like you don’t have a choice in what you say or think because if you have a difference of opinion on anything in this world you’re automatically a racist or homophobic.
Quit acting like a bitch
When women rate comedy?
99% Approval Rating. Critics suck. Who are u guys
How can people be offended by stand up in general? Ask yourself that question.
Lol oh sweetheart you probably shouldn’t be reviewing comedy if you can’t pick up simple satire ?
I am starting to think you you don’t like his “edgy humor” as much because in the past it didn’t offend you personally. Just because of the subject matter its automatically not as funny before. Isn’t’ that hypocritical just by a bit.
Dave Chappelle “sounds like a pundit on Fox News”? Maybe he’s not the only one out of touch…
It the “Transgender Manifesto” a collection of trans jokes? Has it earned the author half as many millions as Dave Chappelle has earned – one ticket at a time?
What has this blogger written that shows he even has a sense of humor?
It the author one of the “T’s” Chappelle says holds the rest of the alphabet people back? Oops. Yes. He is.
I respect that you did open up comments and my little rant is more about Rotten Tomatoes only initially showing reviews from very alt-left bloggers.
Great free thinkers such as Dave Cheppelle are becoming rare in this age of childish rage and uproar. I don’t think it’s surprising that social justice warriors, such as this blogger, don’t like Dave Cheppelle. If it doesn’t fit in their narrow view of acceptable speech they must be a alt-right, a nazi or something. People are getting tired of of the self righteous and morally superior rantings of child-adults who think the world revolves around their preachy and arrogant attitudes. I’m offended, I’m triggered,.. grow up and become a well adjusted adult. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you have the right to never being offended. If you don’t like it fine, other people do.
Going by rotten tomatoes there is a huge disparity here between the critics and the general public. If something is funny, it’s funny. Or maybe 99% don’t know what’s funny and need to be educated on what is funny. If it’s related to a backlash against political correctness then it’s not surprising it would begin with standup comics. How far would a Lenny Bruce get today?
That second impression flew right over your head didn’t it?
Just because you take your laptop to Starbucks and sip your coffee with your pinky in the air, and stare at yourself in the mirror, doesnt make you credible in anyway to be a movie critic. Stick to YouTube trolling.
Edit: Just saw that you’re a tranny. It all makes sense now.
Pretty sure the nearly 100 Percent audience score for Chapelle’s special is proof that everyone but this guy found this funny. Probably because it is funny. It seems that the woke scolds haven’t been completely successful in destroying our culture just yet.
Please my an edit to your article. It would just be capital if you would call Dave a white supremacist. Please, actually be useful to the rest of us.
As for everyone making comments, the words “literally” and “so” are being used ad nauseam. It’s like cursing in every sentence. It makes you look like your vocabulary is still stuck in the 8th grade.